Mary Lee Harvey

Mary Lee Harvey Biography | Age, Boyfriend, Net Worth

Mary Lee Harvey Biography

Mary Lee Harvey was born in October 1960 in Arlington, Texas. She grew up in a large family with ten children and eventually became a skilled makeup artist. In the late 1980s, she met Steve at a shopping center where she worked as a cosmetics makeup artist. After dating for seven years, they got married in 1996.

During their marriage, Mary supported Steve in his career as he worked towards becoming a successful comedian and TV personality. However, after ten years of marriage, the couple divorced due to conflicts over child custody and allegations of infidelity on Steve’s part.

After the divorce was finalized in 2006, Steve gave up custody of their son Wynton to Mary. She also received a settlement of $40,000 per month until March 2009 and a lump sum of $1.5 million from Steve. However, in the same year, Mary lost custody of Wynton after violating a gag order that prohibited her from speaking about their marriage or divorce.

In 2011, Mary filed a lawsuit against Steve for allegedly breaking their agreement and causing her emotional distress. She accused him of abuse, kidnapping, and murder plots against her. The lawsuit was eventually dismissed in 2013, with Steve winning custody of Wynton once again.

Mary Lee Harvey

Mary Lee Harvey Height, Weight & Body Measurements

As a skilled makeup artist, Mary Lee Harvey takes pride in her appearance. She stands at an average height of 5 feet 6 inches and weighs around 130 pounds. Her body measurements are not publicly known, but she has a slender figure with curves in all the right places.

Mary takes care of her health and fitness by following a balanced diet and staying active. She also takes care of her skin, using her makeup skills to enhance her natural beauty.

Personal Life & Family

Mary Lee Harvey was previously married to Steve Harvey. They have a son together named Wynton, who is currently living with Steve. Mary also has three children from her previous marriage: Morgan, Jason, and Lori.

After their divorce, Mary has mostly remained out of the spotlight and focused on her family. She also runs a blog called “Being Mary Lee,” where she shares her experiences and offers advice on emotional well-being.

Mary’s current relationship status is not known, as she prefers to keep her personal life private after facing public scrutiny during her divorce from Steve Harvey. However, she continues to support and inspire others through her blog and social media platforms.

Mary Lee Harvey Net Worth

Mary Lee Harvey’s exact net worth is not publicly known, but it is estimated to be around $500,000 as of 2021. She received a significant settlement from her divorce with Steve Harvey, but the details have not been made public. Regardless, she continues to live a comfortable life and pursue her passion for makeup.

Other sources of income for Mary may include her blog and any side projects she may be involved in. But overall, her net worth is largely unknown as she keeps a low profile in the media. Despite the drama surrounding her divorce, Mary has remained resilient and focused on building a positive legacy for herself and inspiring others through her experiences. She continues to inspire many with her strength and determination, making her a role model for many women.

Mary Lee Harvey

Mary Lee Harvey’s Social Media

Mary Lee Harvey may not be as active on social media compared to other public figures, but she does have a presence on various platforms. She has a personal Instagram account with over 10k followers, where she shares updates about her life and promotes her blog.

She also runs a Facebook page for “Being Mary Lee,” which has over 7k followers. On this page, she shares inspirational posts and engages with her audience by discussing topics related to emotional well-being.

Mary also has a Twitter account with over 2k followers, where she shares updates about her blog and retweets motivational content from other users. Despite not being as active on social media, Mary still uses these platforms to connect with her audience and share her message of strength and resilience.


To recap, here is a brief timeline of Mary Lee Harvey journey as an actress:

  • 1960: Mary Lee Harvey is born in Arlington, Texas
  • Late 1980s: Meets Steve Harvey at a shopping center where she works as a makeup artist
  • 1996: The couple gets married after dating for seven years
  • 2006: Divorce is finalized, and Mary receives a settlement of $40,000 per month and a lump sum of $1.5 million from Steve
  • 2006: Mary loses custody of their son Wynton
  • 2011: Mary files a lawsuit against Steve for breaking their agreement, but it is dismissed in 2013
  • Present day: Mary focuses on her family and runs a blog called “Being Mary Lee” to inspire others. She also has a presence on social media, where she shares updates and promotes her blog. Overall net worth is estimated to be around $500,000.

Through it all, Mary Lee Harvey remains a strong and inspiring woman, using her personal experiences to help others and build a positive legacy for herself.

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